afterwards we came home and then went off to the shops because i needed a few things - i am off to biology camp tomorrow morning and would not have gotten another chance. i bought a new memory card for my digital camera so i can take it to camp with me, comfy underwear, new foundation and lip gloss, slippers and the cutest white beanie.
a lot of these items weren't even for camp but i just couldn't resist. it was just my mother and i when we bought these too, i love spending time with her.
i was looking forward to camp but now i am uncertain. i have been feeling plain horrible today with no reason why. i had an awful dream, which didn't start the day off well, and i have had excruciating pains in my stomach for days now. i also had to take painkillers this morning, which did not sit well with me. i hate pain medication after all it put my body through.
anyway, because of camp i won't be updating for a few days, but (if i get service out there) i will be posting on twitter, which you can follow here if you'd like :-)
smile smile, medusa wants to hide behind septum
new foundation and lip gloss :-)