brodie and i wanted to do something, so we were thinking about our friends that we usually hang with on a weekend and who we usually drink with. blake was in sydney seeing his girlfriend and aaron was at dinner with his father for father's day and his birthday. then brodie and i were like "uhhhhhhhhh, what other friends do we have?" it was pretty depressing to think.
brodie asked me to come into town anyway and that we would find something to do and people to hang with, so i got adam to take me to tweed mall. i would rather be bored with brodie and out somewhere than bored at home by myself. actually that's debatable, but i really wanted to go out. below is a few photos of what i wore.
a white lacy dress with my white stockings, leather jacket and vans of course. i never wear any other shoes.
my stockings and vans.
we walked around for a little bit and talked to liv while she was working. then juleyin came around to say hello, and so did luke. we chilled for a little bit and then liv finished work and juleyin went home because he had work in about half an hour. so it was just brodie, luke and me.
we were going to go to a hardcore gig but thought it would be boring and shitty so decided to get drunk before we went. brodie and i went halves in a case of beer, which means i spent $20 on beer for one night. i understand that isn't that much money but i feel bad for always spending money on alcohol. like seriously alcohol, cigarettes, occasional clothes and food - that is what i spend all of my money on. it sucks because it's not things that i can keep with me, they're disposable, they are ultimately useless in the long run but i spend all my money on them.
~lol rant about my lifestyle that i could change at any moment if i truly wanted to~
we carried the case back to juleyin's and had a few drinks there while he was at work. then juleyin's mum was going to be back soon and she doesn't like brodie so we left. we walked down to the gig, drinking on the way (oh my god i felt so scummy). we thought it was free entry because that's one of the band members told us, but when we got there we realised it was $10 entry and the band that was playing at the time sounded like absolute fucking shit, i basically wanted to kill myself. it turns out it wasn't even a hardcore gig either, so there was no way i was paying for that bullshit.
we decided to walk around until we thought of somewhere to go or something to do. this was a first for me and the people i usually hang out with, we always find something to do. we walked around back streets, drank more, smashed bottles, ran from security guards, all this random shit that got me feeling all weirded out because that's the kind of thing i used to do a long long time ago. we also decided to move a couch into the middle of the road.... seemed like a good idea at the time. loved the ranting old people when they tried to drive down that road. v a photo of me and said couch.
ahhhhhhhh, why am i so cool guys?
anyway, we decided to walk back to brodie's so we went back to juleyin's to pick up the case. as i was leaving juleyin's i got a phone call from the beautiful aaron. he was like "oi cunt, come get drunk at monique's" i was like "well i'm already drunk and with brodie and luke, if you've got room we are so fucking keen". he told us to walk to brodie's anyway and he'd meet us there. we finally got there, (and in my drunken state i thought i was fit and could run - big mistake) so i was so tired by the time i walked in the door i face planted on the floor. i looked up to see brodie's room mates and assorted other people doing drugs in his lounge room. then they wanted to smoke crack so they needed to make a pipe or something - next thing i know they were trying to cut a lightbulb in half with a knife? i was like "u niggas be trippin" and off we went.
we got to monique's, which was a beaaaaaaautiful big house in terranora. it was so pretty, i can't even.
long story short i drank more than i should of, and made the usual fool of myself with the vomiting and passing out and other assorted things like trying to give juleyin head at the dinner table, punching brodie and slapping juleyin etc....
i hate when i get like that, i never do when i'm drinking bourbon though, that's why i like to stick to it.
the next day we all helped clean up, then we drove back to my house and juleyin, brodie and luke hung out at luke's while i had a shower, tried to get over my hangover and get ready.
then we all went out shopping. (me, juleyin, aaron, amy and brodie).
i bought two baggy t-shirts that i think are lovely, two pairs of leggings (because i really needed some) and i found the most beautiful pair of doc martens ever!
i want them so bad, more than anything in life, omg, they're $250 i will save up and get them or ask for them for christmas! also i tried on a pair of normal black docs and they look pretty damn amazing on me, they're $230 i might save for them too.
/cease pointless blog post/
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