it seems things have been less chaotic lately, yet equally challenging on my stability.
my boyfriend and i have been back together for over two months now, and while things are going fantastic at this current point in time - it hasn't been easy. we have already had a few major fights and issues, though we were able to overcome them in a fashion we would never have been able to manage in the past. because of this, i am actually grateful for the turmoil he has caused within our relationship. we are much stronger now, and i could not be more pleased about that.
i have been back at school full time for about five weeks now, since the start of this term and the start of year twelve. things are proving harder than i expected, though, could i really expect anything less? i haven't attended school (properly) at all this year. just the occasional few classes before leaving anyway, and of course then there's the months on end that i rarely left the house, let alone attend school.
i have come a long way with my disorders, and while i am pleased about that i can feel myself slipping. but i now have the skills to work through it, the honeymoon phase wasn't going to last forever.
over the next few weeks/months i am going to focus on the fact that i really don't have that much longer at school, just one more year and i will be done; not to mention the fact that some of my favourite holidays are in the very near future! get out your wishlists and prepare for the flood of drunken posts & photos.